Virginia Surf Spots

Virginia surf report and forecast, information and spot guide for surfing in Virginia.

Out Front 1-2 ft+
Sandbridge 0-1+ ft

Virginia Surfing Information

Surfer's guide to travelling, staying and surfing in Virginia.

Virginia isn’t necessarily a surf destination, especially when you consider its close proximity to New Jersey and North Carolina’s Outer Banks, which has some of the better surf on the east coast. There are lots of breaks are between Virginia Beach and Sandbridge. Mostly beach breaks broken up by pier and jetty spots. And a community of dedicated surfers who wait patiently through the summer lulls and busy tourist season for the small swell window and for nice winter storms to push over the wide continental shelf. There are also lots of remote offshore islands along the coastline that probably have great surf but are accessible to the lucky folks with a boat and maybe some local insights.