Maine Surf Spots

Maine surf report and forecast, information and spot guide for surfing in Maine.

Trayhan's 2-3+ ft

Maine Surfing Information

Surfer's guide to travelling, staying and surfing in Maine.

Surfing may be the last thing you think about when you think about Maine, where winter water temperatures can get below freezing. But better wetsuit technology and seasonally warmer water temperatures have put New England on the map. There is no shortage of spots, since much of the rugged coastline is uncharted. A lot of spots require access by boat or at least a little local intel to lead the way. Maine has a variety of different types of spots, point breaks and river mouth spots, with miles of easily accessible sandy beaches in between. The northern half of the state between York and Portland are where the most popular surf spots are, like Higgins Beach and Long Sands. The main hub being Ogunquit River, one of the longest waves in the state when its working.

Summers are warm, although surf is pretty flat because Cape Cod blocks a lot of southern swell. Maine is best in the late fall to winter time on a big northeast swell. If you can handle the cold and the frontier like conditions you can experience amazing surf with no one else in sight.